TabsLock 0003

  • Categoría: Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Licencia: Freeware
  • Tamaño: < 1 KB
  • Sistema: wXP vista
  • Idiomas:

A program that installs a shortcut to Google Chrome from the CapsLock key.

The CapsLock key isn`t often used by users. That`s why some people have created small programs to use that key. One is TabsLock, which installs a shortcut from this key to run the Google Chrome browser. It`s that easy. However, TabsLock has no function in PCs that don`t have this Google browser installed (it doesn`t work with other browsers).

TabsLock has no other function. It only works to save a few seconds when running Google Chrome. In it`s defence, however, it is quick to install and use, is free and hardly uses system resources.


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